Happy New Year!

Happy 2023, everyone! Whether you came into the shop this last weekend to drink Champagne and have fancy bites or a bagel with us, went to a wild (or possibly mild) shindig, or you kicked back at home with a glass of your favorite bubbly, we hope you had a safe, festive New Years weekend. Speaking of which: ever wonder how Champagne became the drink of choice during this time of year?

t's no surprise that alcohol and New Years have gone hand-in-hand for years and years, but Champagne and other sparkling wines have only enjoyed real popularity during this time since the late 1800's or so. Other concoctions, such as punch or Wassail - a mulled ale served hot - used to be far more traditional. However, it was during the late 1800's that bubbly started to gain a reputation in Europe for being an extravagance and a drink of the upper classes, a fact that made it an aspirational drink amongst the United States's burgeoning middle class. The drink started to pick up steam, until by the early 1900's notable restaurants were posting signs that read, "Champagne Only," in their windows on New Years Eve.

You can learn more at the following links:

And of course, if you want a really good bottle of sparkling wine, come by the shop! Whether your choice is a natty, funky Pet Nat, or a crisp glass of Cava, we can help you get your bubbles on.


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